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Errant Spaceship (2024)
for Grand piano, transducer speaker, cable and light
Duration: 10'


The title Errant Spaceship was inspired by the above painting on the wall in the waiting area of the Berlin Auslanderbehörder when I went to extend my visa.

It got me started thinking that if I were an alien, I'd need to build a spaceship.

© André Fischer

The spaceship has a lighting system, an alarm system. It takes some tricks to start it, and it bumps around in space.

The spaceship itself may be an alien species, and you need to see exactly what's inside it

Program Note:

Errant Spaceship is an extended sound machine composed of a piano, cables, speakers, and the performer. These elements all act as conductors and are part of the instrument's circuitry. The performer is a flexible circuit switch, capable of controlling the way the circuit is connected, causing changes in the sound machine.Through experimental interaction, the performer manipulates the connections, and the sound machine responds with various sonic transformations.

The work began without any preconception, and was completed with sound material formed by a circuit glitch triggered by chance.

Performance history:

Klangwerkstatt Festival 16. Nov Belrin

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